Thursday, June 7, 2007

Let Me Count the Ways

Is it possible to be in love with a store? I think I am. I can't wait to move in. Unfortunately, my love is unrequited. (Have you ever heard of "requited" love? I have not.) Here is a glimpse of what I fell for today. The images from the cameraphone do not do it justice.

I'm a sucker for cool, soft cotton quilts in bright colors and retro patterns, bold graphics and vintage-looking botanical prints and hardware. Their imaginative fixtures and decor blow me away. Even their dressing room lighting is flattering. If anything even remotely fit, I was going to buy it. Alas, it was not to be. All of the stuff in the Anthropologie store in Corte Madera (Marin) is gorgeous, but I have reached a certain size where the clothing...fits me not. (It fits me, it fits me not, it fits me, it fits me not...pluck!)

Of course, if you've ever received their catalogues, you know that the clothes aren't for wearing, per se, but for decorating oneself in some dramatic setting, like the tenements of Havana, or the garden of an Italian villa. And once one passes the "willowy" stage, the clothes begin to resemble demented homeless person more than eclectic funky layering. An outfit like this is adorable on a 2-4, but begins to look a bit clownish when you hit the double digits. Alas, I wouldn't be the first person to starve myself for love. I suppose I'll just have to settle for the sheets and quilts.

If you're into this kind of stuff, here's some more eye-candy for you:

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