Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Assorted New Pictures

Here, in lieu of further discussion about my dog's psychological issues, are some recent photos. I'm proud to say that the only thing that I posted to facebook today was: "Tamara wears wool socks." One day at a time.

(Forgot to caption this earlier: Three weeks ago, I slipped on an icy cattle guard while running Pixie, and fell through it. I bonked my shin pretty hard, and the photo above is what my hand still looked like a week and a half later- bruised, discolored and puffy.)

My hero.

Below: After a recent visit to Michael Chiarello's new Yountville NapaStyle shop, I was inspired to come home and make and shoot a sundried tomato, cheese and arugula panini sandwich.

And that's it for now.

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