Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Tonight I'm making the "Birthday Chicken" recipe from chocolateandzucchini.com for the first time. I got some rather, um... fragrant... green olives, the lingering vapors of which I am smelling right now. I hope the kalamata/diaper-y aroma blows off by the time the chicken is done... Here is the link to the recipe in case you want to try it. I recommend tasting the green olives you decide to use before you mix them up with the marinade. It has lots of flavors going on besides the olives, so I think it will be good. (Important note: if you are going to make the recipe, prepare and marinate the chicken the previous day. I did not notice this in the instructions until 6pm yesterday, so thank goodness we had an alternate dinner in the fridge.)

I'm taking a little break from the blog due to extra work (cool!) and the need not to type for a while and rest my arm, so please enjoy these new photos. Can you tell the difference between the old camera and the new one?

In other news, the silver trench went back. I wore it out (once, for about 2 hours, over something else) and got as lukewarm a response as I did online. I think it was just too much shiny-ness for me. I picked up a much more subtle flash of silver in the form of a little blouse. So I'll try that out and see how that goes. (I'm waiting for the photos to load up, by the way.) Trenchcoats never suit me quite right anyway. I've always loved the look of belted things on other people, but I'm short-waisted, so the belt just bunches everything up in the little bit of waist space that I have and makes me look thick. So I feel good that I returned that. And the boots I got on sale at Nordstrom, and the blouse that I thought would be a good all-purpose holiday piece that was too big for me and that I finally saw on someone in a weight-loss commercial. All gone. Time to rest the arm. G'night.

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