Monday, January 15, 2007

I Fell Down

Because I don't have the pictures leading up to this: Picture me gearing up in my brand new, cool, dark green skater helmet and wristguards. Picture me waltzing out the door with Mike's new carveboard in hand, (deciding to forego a change into my old jeans and the kneepads sitting on the table).

Imagine how cool and graceful I look as I gain speed, suavely arcing back and forth down the gentle slope.

Imagine me almost making the last turn and sailing into the gravel, twisting, hands and knees first, as I attempt an emergency apex dismount.

Imagine me flat on my back in aforementioned gravel, waiting for the sick feeling to go away. The sky was pretty. Mike said I looked pretty good before I disappeared behind a bush and didn't come out the other side. Lesson: do not let your speed exceed your skill.

1 comment:

E said...

Gawddddd that looked awful! you did make me laugh though.