Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Natural

I have learned from a reliable source that this is Robert Redford's favorite dishwashing soap.

Yes, it is true.

I don't know if you know this, but Mr. Redford lives at least part of the time around Calistoga, which is a little north of here. And apparently, he shops at a health food store I sometimes go to in St. Helena. After I selected this detergent, all by myself, the owner told me that he stocks it because Bob came in and asked him to. The owner said he told Bob he was concerned about wine glasses being sparkling, this being wine country and all. Bob sent down his assistant later that day with a freshly washed wine glass to show him (the health food store owner) how nicely they came out, even without rinse aid.

I don't actually know if anyone calls him Bob, but I didn't want to keep typing Robert Redford. Although that might mean that my blog comes up on searches for him. Which could be mildly interesting for fans, or just annoying.

Endorsed by eco-conscious wineglass-washing celebrities everywhere.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Once, a billion years ago when I worked for Senator Cranston, I met Mr. Redford. ("Met" might be a strong word. We shook hands.) He was participating in a panel discussion about the environment along with Cranston and a few other congressional representatives. Senator Cranston called him, "Bob" as did Congressman Waxman. So I think you're right to refer to him as "Bob", especially when discussing his preference in dishwashing soaps.